Microsoft has allegedly delayed its headset adapter for the Xbox One, according to headset manufacturer Turtle Beach.
The adapter is being built by Microsoft and will allow Xbox One owners to use third party headsets, as well as current generation headsets for the Xbox 360 which are not currently compatible with the Xbox One.
The delay has prompted Turtle Beach to delay the release of its XO Four and XO Seven headsets until it is able to include the adapter with them.
In a press release the headset maker revealed this is not harming its relationship with Microsoft.
' microsoft='' has='' informed='' its='' partners='' in='' the='' xbox='' one='' console='' launch='' that='' the='' xbox='' one='' headset='' adapter,='' being='' built='' by='' microsoft='' and='' provided='' to='' turtle='' beach='' for='' inclusion='' with='' new='' gaming='' headsets,='' will='' not='' be='' available='' until='' early='' 2014,”=''>
Директор стратегічних альянсів Microsoft, Брендон Пауелл сказав:
"Turtle Beach є ключовим партнером Microsoft у новій консольній платформі Xbox One"
Xbox One вийде 22 листопада, але ви можете жити тільки з запасом гарнітури, поки адаптер не буде випущений?